He studed at the children’s art school Sciusev – his teacher was V.B. Bulba.
In 1981 he enters to study at the Fine Arts University in the name of I.E. Repin his teacher were S.S. Babjuk, Proniaev.
1989 – 1995 Studes in the Institute of Fine Arts, Painting Faculty, leaders I.I. Serbinov and V.I. Kazakov.
Degree work Underground transition.
Since 1989 exibits regularly his works at the Spring and Autumns salons at the Constantin Brancush Exibition Hall, Chisinau.
Since 1990 cooperates with the DECOR gallery, Odessa.
Since 1993 with the gallery TZIMA, Athens.
Oleg Turchin’s works are in private colletions in Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Grece, Holland, USA, Turkey, Italy, Russia.
Since 2002 till 2003 worked on the art panel in Hotel Dedeman Grand Chisinau.